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Small Aids

We provide small equipment aids, free of charge, by referral from a health professional. These items help older people to remain independent in their home for longer than they may have managed without them.

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Free Small Items of Equipment


This service helps people to remain independent in their home for as long as they wish and it is safe for them to do so.

We are only able to provide items, which are within our budget and can be obtained from our supplier. Types of small equipment aids we supply include small household and personal aids.


We are pleased to offer the use of a wheelchair at no charge. The length of loan will be agreed dependant on the need. Donations are gratefully accepted for this service. 


We also have a small number of Walking Trolleys and Perching Stools for short time loan or sale.


Access to this service

These professionals normally carry out an assessment and can request small equipment aids on behalf of their client:

  • Occupational Therapists

  • Doctors

  • Health Visitors

  • Social Workers

We rely on their expertise when we supply items. Each request is based on the individuals needs.  And in most cases, once we receive a completed referral form, we will supply requested items on the same day. A designated professional, relative, carer or friend can collect small aids from our office during the opening hours . We can only provide this very unique service, through the support of several Trusts and Foundations and of course, your generous donations.

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